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Politics of Monday, 27 October 2008

Source: GNA

NDC members asked to intensify campaigns for victory

Mr. Justice Samuel Adjei, National Democratic Congress (NDC) parliamentary candidate for Sunyani East, has appealed to party members to intensify their campaigns to enable the party to win Election 2008. He said the NDC had initiated sound measures to enable it regain power, stressing that the parliamentary and presidential elections were crucial to the party.

Addressing party activists, supporters and sympathizers at a rally at Atronie near Sunyani, Mr. Adjei said the fortunes of the party depended on effective planning at the grassroots. He said for the past eight years, there had not been any remarkable development in the constituency as compared to the Sunyani West constituency.

Mr. Adjei said that the NPP Government had worsened the conditions of the ordinary Ghanaian and the "time has come for Ghanaians to recognize their mistakes and vote for the NDC to salvage the country from economic hardship". He appealed to NDC supporters to conduct peaceful campaigns, devoid of insults and defamatory statements to make the election incident-free.