Editorial News of Wednesday, 20 December 2000

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NDC prepares for violence in run-off ...

...NDC's strategies exposed

The Free Press and the Dispatch report the NDC pushing its desperate strategies to win the December 28 elections to ominous dimensions including what appears to be a preparation for any eventuality including war.

The Free Press says information reaching it, confirmed by a one paragraph invitation letter it chanced unto shows the Patriots Club of Ghana, an affiliate wing of the NDC, urgently requesting its branches in the ten regions to dispatch "100 strong patriots" each to its headquarters in Accra by Tuesday December 19, 2000 for a two-week unspecified training for an equally unexplained "national assignment".

"Without specifying the kind of training the members are to undergo or, for what purpose, the invitation letters were sent to Regional Ministers, District Chief Executives and all Regional Co-ordinating Councils of the club," according to the paper.

The Free Press says what makes the whole project mystifying if not ominous is that the invitation letters were sent only to NDC related organs, thus confirming the suspicion that the whole project is NDC sponsored.

On its part, The Dispatch mentions the NDC's adoption of 'Operation Ayele' to beat the NPP third time and 'Operation Submarine', in which many officials will operate on the quiet and try to convince opinion leaders in areas that the NDC lost during the December 7 elections.

Spearheading the team for the projects are Ekwow Spio- Garbrah, Minister of Education, John Mahama, Minister for Communications, Rojo Mettle-Nunoo, NDC Secretariat and Vincent Assiseh, the NDC Press Secretary.

Some officials of the party reportedly conceded the uneasy nature of the exercises but one was quite optimistic when he said, "we will give it our best shot and as underdogs, we will cause a surprise and spoil NPP's planned New Year celebrations."