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Politics of Monday, 30 November 2020


NDC’s victory is unstoppable – Kofi-Buah

MP for Ellembele Constituency, Emmanuel Armah-Kofi Buah MP for Ellembele Constituency, Emmanuel Armah-Kofi Buah

Member of Parliament for Ellembelle Constituency, Emmanuel Kofi-Buah is certain the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) will be declared the winner in the upcoming December polls.

According to him, the next NDC government will solve the unemployment issue that the country is fraught with.

Mr Kofi-Buah emphasised that the NDC will invest in the youth by empowering 1 million youth to have jobs.

Speaking to Citi News during a presentation of 120 sewing machines and other tools to 200 youth from Ellembelle, the MP stated that, “NDC’s victory is unstoppable and the reason is very simple. The NDC is coming to power because the number one national security issue we face in Ghana is youth unemployment and the NDC has the right programme to empower the youth with jobs. You see the energy and excitement of 200 people who are smiling today because somehow, they have been empowered. The NDC is going to empower one million young people in four years to have jobs and to have their dignity again.”

“It is really exciting and I think that today, what we are trying to demonstrate here in Ellembelle is that it is possible, it is doable and makes sense and I think the NDC got it right that this is the way forward. We are going to invest money to basically empower the youth and that’s why I am calling on the youth of Ghana, make sure you stand up for your future, your dignity, and for your jobs. This is why l am convinced that in this election, the NDC’s victory is unstoppable and the youth will not allow the NPP to basically steal this election,” he added.

He, therefore, urged the youth in Ellembelle to come out to vote massively for the NDC on December 7 to enjoy the developmental projects planned for them.