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Politics of Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Source: The Finder

NDC serial callers on strike in WR

Serial callers of the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Western Region are fuming with rage over poor conditions of service.

They are accusing the leadership of the party in the region of ignoring them and downplaying their role in defending the party and government.

Consequently, the group has declared “no call’ strike action, intended to press home their demands for better working conditions of service. According to them, they have run out of money to buy credits to make calls.

They are also claiming that the leadership of the party has not been providing them with adequate information on party and government activities to empower them to advance their argument on radio whenever they call into radio talk shows.

Reacting to the position adopted by the group, Ebenezer Ekow Dadzie, co-ordinator of the group, outlined the catalogue of demands being made by members of the group before they would return to the business of serial calling.

He said they would only return to normal work of defending the party and government on air if the aforementioned demands are fully met by the party and government.

The Western Regional Propaganda Secretary of the party, Yunus Mohammed, in reaction to the decision taken by the group, said although it was wrong, the decision was intended to draw the attention of the leadership of the party in the region to address their concerns.

He said it was also unfortunate that the leadership in the region has not realised the important role the serial callers play to keep the image of the party intact.

“For four years, it is these communicators who have handled the party in the region, and if the party cannot take care of them, what do you expect?” he asked rhetorically.

Instead of accepting that the entire regional executives managing the affairs of the party have failed in this regard, Mr Yunus rather claimed the regional chairman, Nana Toku, was to blame for all the negative developments rocking the organisation of the party in the region.

“He cares less; it is about his business. He is only interested in securing contracts,” he fumed.

He said the regional chairman has been running the party with only the welfare of his family members and cronies being his prime concern instead of working in the supreme interest of all who support the NDC in the region.

He said it would also be important for the party to support those who intend to pursue higher education. Mr Yunus said there must also be regular donations from the leadership to keep the serial callers in business to defend the party and government.