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Politics of Friday, 19 September 2008

Source: GNA

NDC wants Muslim pilgrims to vote by proxy

Accra, Sept.19, GNA - The National Democratic Congress (NDC) has reiterated its call to the Electoral Commission to enable Moslems who would be going to this year's Hajj pilgrim vote by proxy. Mr John Dramani Mahama, Vice Presidential Candidate of the NDC made the call when he paid a courtesy call on the Ahmadiya Muslim Council headed by Maulvi Wahab Adam, the Ameer and Missionary of the Ahmadiya Moslem Mission in Accra.

He said although the EC is over burdened with electoral issues it should consider extending that facility to them.

Mr. Mahama accompanied by Alhaji Idrisu Mahama, a leading member of the NDC said the Hajj Organising Committee should be up and doing to avoid the situation in which about 600 pilgrims could not go to Mecca last year.

He said if the Hajj Council solicits the help of the NDC they would share with them their experiences. He said the NDC was aware that it would win this year's election that was why they were praying to Allah to remove any confusion as the country heads for election.

Mr. Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, General Secretary of the NDC said he would take the Muslims voting by proxy to the Inter-Party Advisory Committee (IPAC) meeting for discussion. Maulvi Wahab Adam thanked the NDC for earlier giving the Movement 100 bags of sugar and 20 bags of rice. He called for peace during and after the elections, saying Ghanaians were one people and should maintain the peace the country was enjoying.