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Politics of Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Source: GNA

NDC women and youth wings inaugurated at Tema Newtown

Tema, June 17, GNA - The Tema Fishing Harbour branch of the women's and youth wing of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) was on Tuesday inaugurated with a call on party members to draw strategies to address current challenges to ensure a brighter future for the nation. Madam Hawawu Gariba Boya, the Deputy Minister for Women and Children's Affairs, said challenges such as streetism, child prostitution, delinquency, domestic violence and drug abuse must be of great concern to be addressed to build a stronger future for the youth. There is the need therefore to take parenting roles seriously to check these problems at the basic family level by bringing up children and wards responsibly.

On the party front, Madam Boya called on members to join forces with other progressive groups to move the agenda forward. She appealed to women to contest the impending metropolitan, municipal and district level elections and let their voices be heard. Mr Robert Kempes Ofosuware, Tema Metropolitan Chief Executive, appealed to Ghanaians to remain resolute in the face of the present economic challenges.

He appealed to members to close their ranks, remain calm and work hard to support the vision of the leadership of the nation. Madam Boya swore the 13-member executive into office with Nana Mary Aggrey as Chairperson, Mr Kabutey Tetteh, Secretary and Mr Seidu Yakubu, Treasurer.