Health News of Wednesday, 10 January 2007

Source: GNA

NGO intensify malaria control education programme

Gomoa Dominase (C/R), Jan 10, GNA - Allies in Development Actions (AIDA), a non-governmental organization (NGO) in the Gomoa District has intensified its malaria control education programme in the district. Twenty-two communities identified as "malaria prune" areas, had been selected under the programme.

Speaking to Ghana News Agency at one of such malaria education campaigns at Gomoa Dominase, Mr Emmanuel Amokwandoh, Executive Director of AIDA, said the intensification of the programme was in preparation for the rainy season when the disease was at its peak. Mr Amokwandoh commended the Global Fund, Ghana Health Service and the National Malaria Control Programme, for sponsoring the exercise. He said 30 community volunteers had been trained in the use of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITN), re-treatment and sale of the nets, malaria prevention in pregnancy using Intermittent Prevention Treatment (IPT) and monitoring its side effect on pregnant women. The Executive Director said the organization had established a retreatment centre in five communities.

He cautioned the people to desist from using the nets as curtains, window blinds and bed spreads.

He said the education programme was being conducted in churches, mosques, funeral grounds and social gatherings and appealed to communities to organize regular clean up exercises to destroy the breeding grounds for mosquitoes.