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Regional News of Thursday, 9 June 2016

Source: GNA

NGO supports needy but brilliant students

The Ntiamoah Foundation, a Non-Governmental Organisation, has sponsored the education of more than 100 needy but brilliant students to the tertiary level through its scholarship scheme.

The beneficiaries are 48 senior high students, 30 university students, 12 polytechnic students, seven nursing trainees and three teacher trainees.

Mr Robert Kwaku Appiah Asante, the Founder and Executive Chairman of the Foundation, made this known when he inaugurated the organisation’s 10th Anniversary celebration in Accra.

It was on the theme: “A Decade of Sustainable Humanitarian Services.”

Mr Asante said: “I am proud to say that today we have been able to educate a senior high student to become a medical doctor who served at the Nkawkaw Holy Family Hospital and now pursuing a specialist training course at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital.”

He called on philanthropists to join the Foundation to provide support to the underprivileged in society by improving their wellbeing.

Mr Asante said the NGO started operating in 2006 with a seed capital of $500,000 from his own resources and had, over the past 10 years, expended over 2,000,000 Ghana cedis.

He said the funds were used to support various projects in education and health for the people of the Akyem Kotoku Traditional Area in the Eastern Region.

“We have paid for the registration of 1,344 needy people in 52 communities of Birim North and Akyemansa districts to enable them to benefit from the National Health Insurance Scheme,” Mr Asante said.

“We believe we have made a great contribution to the lives of the people of the Birim North and South Districts and Ghana as a whole.

“You will agree with me that the impressive list of achievements enumerated to you gives us cause to celebrate. Typical of Ntiamoah Foundation, we want to use the opportunity to render more selfless services to the citizens of Ghana,” he said.

The 10th anniversary celebration would see the launch of books and mobile library, sod-cutting for the construction of a kindergarten at Ntronang, and donation of medical equipment by the US based Ghana Hope Foundation to the New Abirem Government Hospital.

It would be climaxed by a fundraising and thanksgiving church service at the Holy Spirit Cathedral in Accra.