Politics of Monday, 21 April 2008

Source: -THE SUN

NPP Aspiring MP Exposed

… Drag to court for contempt ever cover-up.

Mr. Patrick Adama one of the latter day saints who is seeking the mandate of the delegates of Builsa South constituency in the Upper East region on the ticket of the NPP, has been dragged to court over charges of perjury and contempt.

Adama is alleged to have committed perjury by lying on oath to an Accra High Court over the high-profiled case involving a UK company he represented in Ghana, which had been sued in 2003.

In his affidavit in support of the contempt motion, Mr. Yakubu Adam Ka Sule, Managing Director of Gbewaa Civil Engineers and Mensul Ltd. Said, in 2003 his company commenced legal action against Kolon UK Ltd.

He stated that his writ was served at the local registery office of the defendant. According to affidavit, the respondent (Patrick Adama) was at the material time the local representative of Kolon, having been given the power of attorney dated September 10, 1998 by the directors of the company to represent them in Ghana.

Mr. Kasule stated that, Adama went ahead to incorporate the defendant company in Ghana in his capacity as a local representative, after he secured the power of attorney to do so.

The Plaintiff/Applicant vowed that the respondent used H/No. 91 community 11, Tema as the address of the local office of the defendant company.

However when the writ of summons and the statement of claim was served on the local representative of Kolon UK (Mr. Patrick Adama), he wrote a letter to the Registrar of High Court returning the writ and the statement of claim on the grounds that, he had never been an agent or representative of the defendant.

“And that H/No. 91 Community 11 Tema was not the registered office of the defendant in Ghana,” Adama was quoted as saying. According to Mr. Kasule, there was no doubt that the information given by Adama to the court was false. “I am advised by my counsel and I believe it to be true that the conduct of respondent Adama is not only contemptuous but also perjurous to the honourable court. I am further advised that the conduct of Adama by deceiving the court infringes on the administration of justice and is therefore contemptuous” Mr. Kasule stated.