Diaspora News of Tuesday, 25 September 2007

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NPP-USA To Donate $5,000 For Flood Relief

At its meeting on September 24, 2007, the National and Chapter Executives of NPP-USA unanimously voted to immediately donate $5,000 in response to the call for assistance for those affected by the floods in Ghana . By next week, the money will be in Ghana to be used to purchase much-needed food and supplies for the displaced victims. The Executives of NPP-USA reiterated that their party is for alleviating hardship and improving the quality of life for all Ghanaians and when one part suffers, all suffer hence the need to pause, dig in and put their money where their collective mouth is, so to speak.

The Chairman of NPP-USA, Mr. Kofi A. Boateng, thanked his colleagues for their demonstration of care and challenged them to continue their efforts to get more people to contribute to the on-going fundraising initiative of NPP-USA called ?2 by1? by getting 2000 Ghanaians living in the USA to contribute $100 each. This, it was generally agreed, will enable the organization to respond to future needs in a rapid way when the call comes. Interested persons can learn more on the website http://www.nppusa.org.

Submitted by

Isaac Fosu

Assistant PRO, NPP-USA