General News of Sunday, 26 January 2014

Source: radioxyzonline

NPP elections: Losers must not abandon ship – Akufo-Addo

The 2012 presidential candidate of the main opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) has urged losers in the party’s regional executive elections not to abandon ship.

He says they must remain with the party for the ultimate goal of winning the 2016 elections.

“I congratulate all members of the Party who participated in the regional executive elections held yesterday. For those who lost, I wish you better luck next time and, more importantly, I urge you to stay fully engaged in our efforts to reorganise the party for the general elections of 2016”.

In a statement released on social media, the former Attorney General urged the winners to be magnanimous in their victory.

“For those who won, please reach out to bring on board every member and supporter of the Party in our efforts towards a strong and effective campaign for a clear and resounding victory in 2016”.

He said: “We need unity now to reinforce our front to offer a more attractive and competent alternative to the people of Ghana”.

Below is a compilation of some of the winners of the regional elections:

Western Region

Most of the incumbent executives lost their positions

Incumbent Regional Chairman, Nana Owusu Ankomah, lost to his main rival, Kendicks Dickson Attah-Nketsia

The incumbent regional secretary Anthony K. K Sam also lost to Charles Bissue

Abena Kwallah, the incumbent women organiser lost to Golly Antwi-Bosiako

Mohammed Abdul Ganiyu polled 173 votes to out-stage Kwame Kinto for the regional organiser position.

Benjamin Kwaw won the first vice-chairmanship slot

The second vice-chairmanship position was won by Francis Ndede Siah

Samuel Abiaw defeated five other contestants in a hot contest for the Assistant secretary position.

Yaw Acheampong polled 272 votes to capture the youth organiser position

Edna Nyame won the regional treasurer position while Onasis Abubakari Mohammed won the Nasara co-ordinator's position

Northern Region

Businessman Daniel Bugri Naabu, won the chairmanship position

Mr Naabu who has been a serial contestant for the position, beat the incumbent chairman Alhaji Harunah Tia Sulemana

He urged the losers to join the party forge a united front ahead of 2016

Hajia Samata Gifty Bukari won the first vice Chair slot

Mr Iddrisu Sunday won the second vice chair slot with 268 votes

Mr Sulemana Salifu won the secretary position with 321

Peter Kwabena Dwomo Tufour polled 333 votes to win the position of Regional Treasurer

The Organiser position was won by Alhaji Abdullah Hindu

The Women organiser position was won by Hajia Amana Sayibu

Alhaji Rashid Salifu beat his only contender, Mr Bukari Shamuna Gaazy with 570 votes to win the Youth Organiser position

Ashanti Region

Thirty-six-year old businessman, Bernard Antwi-Boasiako, known as ‘wontumi’ has been elected as the new Ashanti Regional Chairman of the NPP

He polled 559 votes to beat former Deputy Attorney-General and Minister of Justice, Kwame Osei-Prempeh, who polled 209 votes

Other executives elected were Mr. Abdul Rauf, First Vice-Chairman; Mrs. Beatrice Derkyi, Second Vice-Chairperson; Mr. Sam Pyne, Secretary; and Mr. Manaf Ibrahim, Assistant Secretary

The rest include Zeinabu Sallow, Treasurer; Mr. Kennedy Kankam, Organiser; Nana Ama Ampomah, Women's Organiser; Mr. Justin Kodua, Youth Organiser; and Alhaji Mohammed Hamid, Nasara Coordinator.