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Politics of Thursday, 28 October 2004

Source: Chronicle

NPP is corrupt & incompetent - Mills

Northern Region, October 28, Chronicle -- The Flag bearer of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Professor John Evans Atta Mills has emphatically stated that if Ghanaians did not support him to wrest power from Kufuor, his incapability, inexperience and selfishness would spell the doom of the country.

According to him, the greater majority of Ghanaians had been grappling with more serious socio-economic difficulties and misery than ever, since the New Patriotic Party (NPP) came to power four years ago.

Prof. Mills noted that arrogance, corruption and misappropriation had taken the better part of this government, adding that unnecessary and abnormal taxes had been imposed on Ghanaians because the government was misusing state resources for their selfish and party activities.

The NDC flag bearer expressed regret that, instead of the government subsidizing or assisting the rural poor to become a bit more economically viable, it was rather supporting the few rich in the government.

Prof. Mills, a.k.a. ?Asomdweehene? made these assertions during his 12-day campaign tour of the three Northern Regions, beginning from Mankpang and Mpaha in Central Gonja and Damongo, the capital of West Gonja, all in the Northern Region. He made whistle stops at some minor towns and villages as well.

Before embarking on his trip to the Northern Region, the NDC flag bearer had toured Goka, Badu and New Longoro in the Brong Ahafo region, where an enthusiastic crowd chanting ?sankofa? with their lanterns lit, signifying that Ghanaians had been searching for the NDC in broad day light, on account of the economic hardship that befell the country, since President Kufuor came to power four years ago.

Prof. Mills said the tribulations imposed on Ghanaians by the NPP government reflected in the light of high school fees, high petroleum prices, escalating electricity tariffs, water and telephone bills among other tariffs.

This, he said, had denied the overwhelming majority of Ghanaians access to many a critically needed amenity such as good drinking water.

He, therefore, entreated Ghanaians to consider seriously their bad living conditions and vote massively for the ?umbrella? in the forthcoming general elections for a better Ghana.

At Badu in the Tain District, where a big durbar of chiefs and people was organized in his honour, the people defied a heavy downpour to welcome the NDC flag bearer and his entourage as a demonstration of their support for Prof. Mills.

Addressing the electorate in all the areas he visited, the Prof. said what had worsened the image of the NPP apart from corruption and tribalism, was their ?bad policy of property owning democracy.?

He hinted that, the NDC, after realizing its past mistakes and shortfalls, had formulated better policies to transform the lives of the people, particularly the rural poor through social democracy.

The NDC Presidential Candidate said the victory of the NPP in 2000 was significant for, it had enabled Ghanaians to differentiate between property owning democracy and social democracy, which he favored.

Prof. Mills further noted that the NPP?s property owning democracy was auspicious for only a small fraction of Ghanaians, leaving the majority to suffer, adding that the social democracy being preached by his party would truly manifest in the lives of the people by making every Ghanaian enjoy his labor as a citizen of this country.

Speaking at New Longoro in Kintampo North, Prof. Mills cautioned the people against mouth-watering promises being made by the NPP and urged them to be careful this time since such promises were but a hoax.

In all the areas toured by the Professor, he presented his parliamentary candidates for the various constituencies to the electorate and urged them to refrain from voting skirt and blouse to enable the party meet its vision in the elections.

Some of the dignitaries in Prof. Mills? campaign team were, Mr. John Mahama, MP for Bole Bamboi and NDC Communications Director, Nii Lamptey Vanderpuye, the party?s Press Secretary, Seth Ofiri-Hene and both the Brong Ahafo and Northern Regional Executives of the party.