Regional News of Sunday, 29 January 2023

Source: GNA

NPP only source of hope for Ghanaians now — Bono Regional Chairman

Kwame Baffoe Abronye DC, Bono Regional Chairman of NPP Kwame Baffoe Abronye DC, Bono Regional Chairman of NPP

Mr Kwame Baffoe, the Bono Regional Chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), says the party remains the only source of hope to turn round the nation’s economic fortunes, and alleviate the plight of the masses.

    He, therefore, advised the youth to exercise patience as the government addressed the nation’s economic crisis, creating employment for the youth to better their lives.

    Interacting with a section of the media in Sunyani, Mr Baffoe said, “though things are tough now, Ghanaians only need to have little patience with the government.”

    “Our party has a proven track record. We have done it before and we will do it again. Just that we must all be hopeful because the economic condition had worsened when we took over political power in 2001.

    “But we were able to turn things around. The government is strengthening the social and poverty intervention programmes and surely we shall overcome these challenges very soon,” he added.

    Mr Baffoe said before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, Ghana was one of the fast-growing economies, but added the pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine had a huge toll on the nation’s economy.

   That notwithstanding, the Regional Chairman said the government remained thoughtful and sensitive and therefore put in place realistic interventions that lessened the economic burdens of the people.

   “So the government is seriously working hard on the economy and Ghanaians will see certain changes and economic progress in 2023,” Mr Baffoe stated.