Politics of Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Source: The Enguirer

NPP plans dirty propaganda over PV’s death

In the coming days, it should not come as a surprise to Ghanaians at all if it floats in the media that recent deaths that have occurred in the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC), including that of Mr. Paul Victor Obeng, is a nemesis for rigging the 2012 presidential elections.

Following the sudden death of Mr. Obeng last Saturday, a certain superstitious narrative has been snowballing, with peddles rationalizing that the recent deaths of two NDC Women’s Organizers are too close to the death of Mr. Obeng for comfort.

Hajiya Adiza Sali, the party’s Deputy Women’s organizer for Greater Accra and the party’s Deputy Women’s Organiser for the Volta Region, died in a gruesome motor accident recently while on their way back from the Brong Ahafo Region, after attending the funeral of the First lady’s sister.

Like the later P.V. Obeng, the two women’s organizers died on a Saturday.

Enquirer has heard that the vile propaganda will be premised on a curse that some self-styled pastors had pronounced in the aftermath of the 2012 presidential election.

Immediately the NDC won the elections, a bunch of creeping-Jesus characters, who had prophesied that Nana Akufo-Addo would win the elections, joined the bandwagon of discontentment over the results in a clear move to mollify the humiliating expose´ that their prophecies had not come from God.

To the shock of the Christian community in Ghana, these false prophets organized a press conference and poured a libation of anointing oil while chanting that anybody who had aided in the so-called rigging of the 2012 presidential election for the NDC should be dealt with by a vengeful God.

The NPP feels that Mr. Paul Victor Obeng’s death on Saturday has presented it the opportune situation to fly the propaganda that God was indeed visiting wrath on the ruling party for stealing the people’s will.

Already, some supporters have hit the radios with the dirty conspiracy theory, with the insensitive narrative set to go viral on social media.

Mr. Obeng reportedly died at the LEKMA Hospital in Teshie, after he had collapsed at a filling station on the Spintex road.

Conflicting reports claim, in one breath, that he had collapsed at the filling station after a fit of pronounced asthmatic attack, and had died as he was being rushed to the hospital while in another breath, the claim is that he died from a cardiac arrest.

A family source wishing to remain anonymous told The Enquirer that Mr. Obeng, who until his death was the Chairman of the National Development Planning Commission, had told his family that he was visiting town on that fateful Saturday afternoon.

He was hale and hearty when he had driven himself from his Tema Community 2 BBC residence only to be reported of, later, to have passed on during an emergency trip to the hospital.

Following the declaration of his death, his body was said to have been transferred to the 37 Military Hospital for autopsy.

Hon. Isaac Ashai Odamtten, Metropolitan Chief Executive for Tema, and his predecessor, Robert Kempes Ofosuware, were among the first callers to his residence in Tema after Mr. Obeng’s death was reported.

Another NDC stalwart wishing to remain anonymous, who was seen on solidarity call at Mr. Obeng’s residence in Tema, lambasted the dirty propaganda that he said some NPP fanatics has started on radio on Saturday over P.V’s death, wondering death and rumours about it was enjoyable to the NPP.

In the build-up to the 2012 elections, the NPP’s ‘All-Die-Be-Die’ propaganda had seen its Parliamentarians were funeral clothes to Parliament on the later President Mills’ last State of the Nation Address and actually shown him red-cards after the late president’s address.

Soon the good Professor died, and the NPP attempted to take advantage of his death by speculating that the President had been done-in by then Vice President Mahama, so he (Mahama) could succeed the Prof. as President.

In the coming days, a similar distasteful propaganda may just hit town.