General News of Wednesday, 12 May 2004

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NPP's Attempts To Capture Nkrumah Is Doomed To Failure

The Convention People?s Party (CPP), United Kingdom and Ireland Branch wishes to bring to the notice of all Nkrumahists publicly, NPP attempts to capture Nkrumah and isolate his works and achievements from Nkrumahists and the CPP.

We welcome the NPP?s belated conversion and recognition of Nkrumah as a great son of Ghana and Africa , and we also welcome their acknowledgement of his achievements for his country.

That Nkrumah is a great historic figure for all Ghanaians, Africans and indeed the black race is without question, and that Nkrumah was a great international statesman is also an acknowledged fact of history.

The point must be made however that Kwame Nkrumah?s works and achievements were through the Convention People?s Party (CPP).

Nkrumah was and is the CPP and his legacy is today enshrined in the Constitution, the aims and objectives of the living Convention People?s Party.

It has not escaped our attention that Nkrumah is on the lips of NPP functionaries across the globe, and the recent commemoration of Ghana?s 47th Anniversary by Ghanaians from Sierra Leone to Canada demonstrates NPP interest in Nkrumah, with NPP envoys suddenly full of praise for the great man. President Kufour recently launched a ?Kwame Nkrumah Education Trust Fund ? for Nzema Children. That the President of the country sets up an exclusive education fund for part of the country is in itself open to question, but it also begs the question ? ? What is the NPP upto with Kwame Nkrumah??

Dr Kwame Nkrumah?s clothes will only fit those who can wear it ? his own Party. His legacy cannot be an appendage to values of those who overthrew him. Those who have continuously opposed him in life, cannot claim to be the champions of his legacy in death .

In an election year our warning to Nkrumahists and lovers of kwame Nkrumah is: - ? Beware of Elephants in the clothing of the Red Cockerel? The NDC tried it , it did not ultimately help them maintain power, and NPP attempts to capture and use Nkrumah is also doomed to failure.

In The Service Of Ghana?s Democracy

RNA Akomfrah Chairman ? CPP(UK)