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Politics of Thursday, 30 June 2005

Source: GNA

NPP salutes Ghanaians

Accra, June 30, GNA - The New Patriotic Party (NPP) salutes Ghanaians on the 45th anniversary of Ghana's Republic Day which falls on July 1.

"By becoming a Republic, Ghana formally severed its links with the British Crown, thus making it possible for Dr Kwame Nkrumah to replace the last Governor General as President and Head of State." A statement signed by Mr Edmund Annan, Acting General Secretary of NPP, stated that since then Ghana had made great strides in all fields and thereby justified the decision taken 45 years ago not only to make the country a truly independent nation but also placed its destiny in the hands of its own people.

It said: "As we celebrate Republic Day the NPP urges the people to renew their faith in the government under the leadership of President John Agyekum Kufuor and also continue to contribute in diverse ways to make the nation great and prosperous.

"The NPP wishes Ghanaians many more happy celebrations."