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Politics of Friday, 19 August 2005

Source: Chronicle

NPP to grab Odododiodoo ...

... on sympathy votesTHE CENTRAL Regional Organiser of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), Alhaji Mohammed Gblim, has predicted a massive victory for the party in the Odododiodio constituency bye-election which is slated for August 30,2005. In an interview with The Chronicle at the weekend, Alhaji Gblim said the National Democratic Congress (NDC) made a mistake in shunning Mr Lennox Sidney Asafoatse Mankattah, the son of the late MP of the area.

By selecting the son of the late MP, they had broken the NDC front because they could have used sympathy vote to triumph in the election. He pointed out that now that the NDC had abandoned the opportunity to lean on the late MP?s son, NPP was going to reclaim the seat they lost in the 2004 elections.

Considering the current developments in the hot political spot, the chances of the ruling party were very bright, according to the regional organizer.

Alhaji Gblim rebutted the allegation that Mankattah was not fit for vacant position and was not academically qualified to represent the people in Parliament, saying, ? Parliament is not only about education but what one can contribute to development.?

He also denied allegation that Asafoatse Mankattah has been confined due to his bankruptcy in English language, probably to prevent him from talking to press, indicating that a politician should always talk to the press and wondered why such falsehood should be peddled around.

He however gave the assurance that whether the NDC candidate, Nii Tackie Commey was a royal or not the NPP was going to whip the NDC in the bye-election.

The Odododiodioo seat became vacant following the death of the NDC parliamentarian, Nii Ayikwe Asafoatse Mankattah on July 4 this year.