General News of Wednesday, 26 April 2017


National Security officers storm former sports minister's residence in search of state vehicles

Nii Lante Vanderpuye, Sports minister Nii Lante Vanderpuye, Sports minister

Some personnel from the Bureau of National Investigations and the National Security led by the Brong-Ahafo Youth organizer of the New Patriotic Party, Kwame Baffoe, stormed the residence of the former sports minister Nii Lante Vanderpuye in search of state vehicles.

According to a Class FM report, the group marched to the member of parliament for Odododiodio's residence around the Weija area, demanding to search the premises. Mr Vanderpuye's wife who was at home at the time refused entry to group, on the basis of no warrant to conduct a search.

This caused the group to split in two, with one half remaining near the residence while the other headed out to acquire a warrant.

Mr Vanderpuye who is currently out of the country spoke to Class FM News, stating, "No youth have attacked me but the people who say they are from BNI and National Security and Confiscated Car Committee were in my house, they said they were coming to pick government vehicles from my house.

I am not in Ghana so they are harassing my wife and children. For now they have not have access to my house, my wife said she will not open for them to enter because they have no warrant.

My children are from school coming to the house but she can’t open the gates for the children to enter because if she opens the gate the people will enter the house."

This is not the first of such incidents to occur, as since the NPP government came into power in January, members of the National Security have visited some residences of former government officials in efforts to retrieve vehicles that allegedly belong to the state.

Perosnnel of the National Security agency raided the house of the NDC national organizer, Kofi Adams, where they seized 5 vehicles that were supposedly for the state.

However, after a thorough investigation, the vehicles were found to be the privately owned cars of Kofi Adams, and were returned.