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Regional News of Monday, 19 January 2015

Source: GNA

Nduom builds community Centre for Efutu Mampong

Dr Papa Kwesi Ndoum, Founder and 2012 flag bearer of the Progressive People’s Party, has built a 1,000 seating capacity community Centre for the people of Effutu Mampong in the Cape Coast Metropolis.

The project was in fulfilment of his campaign promise to the people of Efutu Mampong in the Cape Coast North Constituency of the Central Region.

In the run-up to the 2012 general election, Dr Nduom toured the Efutu Mampong community where he observed that they lack many development projects and promised to build the centre.

During the inauguration of the centre, Dr Nduom expressed concern about the fact that majority of children of school-going age in the community are not in school and advised parents to take their education serious.

He urged the people especially the chiefs to impress upon the government to implement the constitutional provision of Free Compulsory Universal Basic Education.

Dr Nduom also called on Ghanaians to give local entrepreneurs the needed support to be able to help them succeed in their business endeavours so that they could invest their profits in development projects.

He expressed optimism that the residents would make good use of the facility and asked them to ensure proper maintenance for it to last longer.

Nana Kow Amoasi III, Chief of Efutu Mampong presented gifts to Dr Nduom on behalf of the people in the community to show their appreciation for the kind gesture.

Osabarimba Kwesi Atta II, Omanhen of Oguaa, thanked Dr Nduom for the good works he is doing in the Region and Ghana at large.