Diaspora News of Friday, 24 August 2007

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Nduom in California


Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom, MP spoke at a fund raising gathering in the San Francisco Bay area, California organized and sponsored by Citizens for a Better Ghana, a non-partisan organization dedicated to identifying and supporting people who can lead Ghana to become free from poverty. Citizens for a Better Ghana, has chapters throughout North America, Europe, Ghana and South Africa.

Dr. Nduom announced at the meeting that he had decided on a positive path – no insults or negative campaigning of any type – to become the flag bearer of the CPP for the 2008 elections to give him the chance to be the next President of the Republic of Ghana. He said that, “Ghanaians know the conditions they live in. They know the difficulties they are in. They know the challenges they face as they seek better jobs, a better health care system, a decent roof over their heads, good drinking water, electricity and other social infrastructure and a social safety net in times of need. What they need is someone to offer hope that the quality of their lives will improve soon. What they need is someone who can implement solutions that can and will bring benefits quickly to all Ghanaians. I am here to offer myself as that someone.”

Dr. Nduom explained that he had worked with other leading members of the Party to bring Nkrumahist parties together to form the PCP. “With the Hon. Freddie Blay as our lawyer, Mr. Mike Eghan and others, we developed the strategy to get back the name CPP to restore the Party that won for Ghana its independence to the political scene. I have worked in various capacities including that of Chairman of the Organisation Committee and a member of the Central Committee of the Party. I have been one of the leaders of the internal struggle within the CPP to strengthen the leadership and to re-vitalise the CPP by appointing spokespersons to articulate what we stand for so that we can make it the Party more competitive and appealing to the youth. I have also in the past two elections tried to convince the Party to pay special attention to winning parliamentary seats to enable the CPP to become a serious contender for the Presidency.”

He explained that he participated in the Kufuor administration following the approval of the CPP’s Central Committee. He said, “I had not planned to be part of the administration, but when asked and with the approval of my party, I took it as an opportunity to serve my country. I resolved to work not as a CPP man and not to work for the NPP but to work for Ghana and its people. I took my involvement in government as something important, serious and an opportunity to learn while at the same time delivering positive, visible results to account for my time in office.”

Dr. Nduom said that should he become President, he would work to bar Members of Parliament from serving as part of the Executive as Ministers of State to strengthen the Legislature. He would also ensure that District Chief Executives and all Assembly Members are elected by the local people and not appointed by the President as is currently the case to ensure concentration on the growth and development of the local economy.

According to Dr. Nduom, “The enemies we face in Ghana today are ignorance through illiteracy and poverty. Kwame Nkrumah led the fight for our independence by demanding “Independence, Now!” I want to lead the fight to free our country from poverty, with the battle cry, “FREEDOM FROM POVERTY …. ACT NOW!!””

Dr. Nduom told the meeting that he considers himself a Team Builder and a Unifier both in business and in politics. He added that “Ghanaians are tired of divisive politics. I believe strongly in inclusiveness. My experience as a CPP person in an NPP administration has given me the strength and the ability to reach out to other political party members to find a common ground in solving national issues. I am convinced that a non-partisan approach to government will move us speedily out of the third world. This includes finding an effective way to harness the experience, expertise, work habit and financial strength of Ghanaians abroad for the benefit of the country.”

To Dr. Nduom, “We need a leader with experience in government who will focus on solving our problems and implementing ideas to free our people from poverty now. I believe I am that leader.”

Dr. Nduom will address similar meetings in Atlanta, New Jersey, New York, Washington, DC and Chicago before returning home to continue the campaign to become the CPP’s flag bearer for the 2008 elections.