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Diasporia News of Friday, 30 September 2016

Source: Afrikan Post

Network of Clergy Concludes 3 day Conference


“Be your brother’s keeper “ was the theme of the just ended conference of the Network of Pastors who gathered in Virginia from Friday September 23 to Sunday September 25, 2016 for the inaugural international Conference for the Shepherd To Shepherd network of clergy.

Shepherd To Shepherd Network is a Fellowship of Pastors who are committed to the call the Lord has placed upon their lives to provide covenant fellowship among Pastors who desire to build the kingdom of God through the spirit of unity.
The main purpose of the network include the following:

· To provide a haven for Pastors, Five-fold Ministers and churches
· To provide spiritual and apostolic covering
· To train and develop God’s people
· To promote interaction and relationship between like-minded ministries
· To provide a context in which isolated ministers may experience a defined relationship and a larger identity
· To draw together ministries that will form apostolic teams for worldwide impact
· To help strengthen and edify all member ministries and member churches.
· To be available upon request to pastors and local church elders to mediate church related problems
· To be involved in discipline of Fellowship members when deemed necessary.
· To sponsor annual gatherings for mutual strengthening, deeper relationship and spiritual challenge
· This Association will, if requested, assist in training the local church’s ministry of evangelism, education, missions, church planting,
· To provide ordination for qualified candidates.

With a current membership of 420 pastors from USA and foreign branches. The Network was duly registered on January 31st 2015 with USA as its headquarters. Some of the high profile ministers in attendance from Ghana were Bishop Schambach Amaniampong, Overseer of the Christian Redemption International Ministry (CRIM) and Bishop Dr. Dei Asare Morris.

The convention opened on Friday September 23 with an address by Bishop. Dr. Daniel Mensah Antwi - Boasiako, the Founder and President of the Shepherd to Shepherd Network of Clergy.
He said “ There are challenges facing the Network in its desire to push forward the vision, the objectives, the mandate and the agenda of this great Network.
Notable among such challenges is our desire to champion a code of ethics to regulate the conduct of the clergy profession. We feel such a code is long overdue and vital to help check the nefarious and unprofessional conduct of some ministers of the Gospel, which tend to bring into disrepute the noble virtues of the clergy profession to present the church and the clergy profession in a very favorable manner, and as holy calling from God in tune with His word. As it is now the conduct of some so-called professed ministers of the Gospel leaves much to be desired about, and this tends to present the profession negatively in the eyes of the public and thus casts a slur on the Christian religion. We feel such unholy conduct must cease, hence our call for a code of ethics, and the bad nuts flushed out.

SSNC is therefore seeking official and other form of support to back its efforts at ensuring that a code of ethics and other necessary checks are instituted in the clergy profession to ensure further that no one takes advantage under the guise as a practitioner of the Christian religion to exploit others for personal and selfish gains.”
After song ministration by renowned gospel artist Helena Rhabbles, the ministers prayed for unity, growth, peace and many other issues.
The gathering of the Shepherds continued on Saturday morning with teachings by various ministers and committed its ending to interactions and question-and-answer sessions.
Speakers at the event were Bishop Dr. Mitchell Foster, Archbishop John Carter and Bishop Joseph A. Quest.
After a lunch break and a short period of relaxation the shepherds gathered again for an evening session for more teachings and interaction. Bishops Adu-Gyamfi and Antwi Boasiako led the gathering through the various sessions.
They also engaged in intensive prayers. The curtain of the convention was drawn to a close on Sunday with the ordination and elevation of ministers to higher offices.
The following ministers were elevated to the offices; Rev. Gyamfi and Rev. Apostle Elect Dr Yaw Antwi respectively. The other ordinations were Rev Yaa Boafo Minlah , Rev. Christian Boache, Rev Edna Agyeman Badu and Apostle Isaac Appiah
Dr. Kofi Adonteng-Boateng of Divine Word international Ministries offered his church premises to host the convention.