General News of Tuesday, 2 January 2007

Source: new cpp (

New CPP New Year Message to Ghanaians

The Convention peoples Party can look forward to 2007, confident in our values, clear about our direction, and aspire to be optimistic about the future.

As the world of politics is changing, so must we, CPP. The central objective of New CPP in 2007 is to apply all our energies to recruit members, afford every member a say on every issue, and open new offices. New CPP is ushering into Ghanaian politics a new type of politics,: constructive, thoughtful and open-minded. And we want every Patriotic Ghanaian to join hands with this progressive force (New CPP) to bring the needed change we have always wished. As Gandhi said, “we must be the change we want to see in the world.”

We wish all our members and supporters a Happy New Year. This is an exciting time to be a member of the New CPP. We’re at the start of a process of change, becoming a Party which is more in tune with the aspirations of Ghanaians and modern like modern Ghana, not the Gold coast; a Party with a clear message of change, optimism and hope. New members can email the secretariat on

We are aiming to inspire many more people to be part of it in 2007. Once again HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL GHANAIANS.