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Politics of Wednesday, 3 January 2024


New budget to be introduced in April 2025 - Mahama discloses

NDC flagbearer, John Dramani Mahama play videoNDC flagbearer, John Dramani Mahama

The Flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Dramani Mahama, has said his government would introduce a new budget in April 2025, if elected president of the Republic.

Making this known in his New Year message to Ghanaians on Wednesday, January 3, 2024, Mahama explained that the new budget would be targeted at supporting and building small businesses in the country.

He added that taxes would be adjusted by giving incentives to businesses to thrive.

The move, John Dramani Mahama opined, would help curb the unemployment canker that keeps rearing its head up in the country.

"In April 2025, the new NDC government shall introduce a new budget to support and build small businesses and adjust taxes as incentive for job creation," Mahama said in his speech to Ghanaians, and monitored by GhanaWeb Business.

The NDC flagbearer reiterated his vision to roll out a 24-hour economy.

"At the heart of my vision for economic revitalization is the implementation of a 24-hour economy. This innovation policy seeks to maximize productivity and efficiency by extending business hours and operations around the clock," John Dramani Mahama stated.

The 24-hour economy, he said, would create a more vibrant economy that would benefit both workers and businesses.