Politics of Thursday, 15 February 2024

Source: www.ghanaweb.com

New finance minister will seek clearance from Ofori-Atta before he can do anything - A.B. A Fuseini claims

Ranking Member for communication, Alhassan Bashir Alhassan Fuseini Ranking Member for communication, Alhassan Bashir Alhassan Fuseini

Ranking Member for communication, Alhassan Bashir Alhassan Fuseini, has said the newly-appointed Minister of Finance, Dr. Mohammed Amin Adam, will encounter challenges in delivering his duties.

According to A.B.A Fuseini, the speculated elevation of Ken Ofori-Atta puts him in a position to influence the decisions of the newly appointed finance minister.

Speaking in an interview with GhanaWeb, he said, "The word down there is the minister (Ken Ofori-Atta) is a senior advisor to the president on the economy; what does that mean? It means anybody who is placed there as a minister is nothing but a puppet; he has to go and seek permission clearance from Ken Ofori-Atta before he can say and do anything. The president is playing with the minds of Ghanaians."

Speaking on the reshuffles, he described it as ineffective as this action should have been taken two years earlier.

"In substance, it is tantamount to collecting your salt in the open after a heavy downpour. It means useless. So, it is a useless reshuffle intended to receive very little or nothing; this reshuffle many people advocated should have come about two years ago when the competence of finance was brought to the fore, not just by the minority but by the majority itself," he added.