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General News of Thursday, 2 July 2009

Source: Daily Guide

New twist to cocaine girls

Sardia, 19, and Joan, 21THE TWO ladies who were arrested and are being investigated for plotting to lure Mr. Lord Commey, the National Organizer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), into a cocaine deal, have started singing like canary birds, dropping the names of two persons who allegedly facilitated the plot.

The two girls, Sardia, 19, and Joan, 21, mentioned the names of ‘Brother’ and ‘Kwadaa’ whom they claimed stay and work at Sukura, a densely populated suburb in down town Accra. Sardia claimed she also stays in the same area.

Reports say Kwadaa, is a well-known activist of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Sukura neighborhood and it was alleged that he gave Lord Commey’s number to the girls after a series of discussions with them.

Both Brother and Kwadaa are said to be motor-bike repairers and yet to explain what link they have with the two girls who are currently on bail.

They are however tight-lipped on why they targeted Mr. Commey in particular and the brain behind the plot.

DAILY GUIDE gathered that Sardia and Joan are close friends and they met when both of them worked as pupil teachers at a private basic school in Accra and that they no more teach in the said school.

The two were arrested over the weekend after Lord Commey reported to the Dansoman Police that they had approached him with proposals for a cocaine deal.

The suspects, in their written statements to the Police, allegedly admitted that indeed, they were plotting to drag Mr. Commey into a cocaine business and that they had been preparing for the operation and tracking him for some months now.

The two ladies allegedly called Lord Commey on phone and booked an appointment with him during which they proposed to do some “serious business” with him and that if he was interested, the details of the business would remain between the two parties alone.

They then allegedly told Mr. Commey that they had a cocaine deal which they wanted him to get involved in and that if he was interested, they would serve as agents or traffickers both in and outside the country.

The mysterious girls maintained they were very serious with the business deal and would be disappointed if the NPP National Organizer let them down, it was alleged.

Mr. Commey, on hearing the mission of the girls, immediately reported the incident to the Police and the girls were arrested.

The Dansoman Divisional Police Commander, Chief Superintendent Alex Yartey Tawiah, when contacted, confirmed the report and told DAILY GUIDE that his outfit was still investigating the alleged plot and that at this stage, it would not be in the interest of the investigation if they made public details of their findings.

He however said the two young women had admitted that they had a cocaine business deal on hand of which they had planned to rope in Lord Commey, the complainant in the case.

The Commander requested that persons with information on the suspects should assist the police with such material.

By Halifax Ansah-Addo