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Health News of Sunday, 7 May 2006

Source: GNA

Nkwanta Hospital to become research centre on CHPS

Nkwanta, May 07, GNA - Nkwanta Hospital is to be used as a research centre on the Community Based Health Planning Services (CHPS) programme, Dr Koku Awoonor, the Nkwanta District Director of Health Services, said this at Nkwanta last Friday.

He said the decision was based on the huge success of the programme in the Nkwanta District.

Dr Awoonor was speaking at close of a nine-day workshop for 39 Community Health Nurses drawn from the Volta, Eastern and Ashanti regions at Nkwanta. The workshop was to improve skills of participants in delivering primary health care in the rural areas. Dr Awoonor said new CHPS zones and compounds were to be opened in the district and appealed to nurses to put in more efforts to achieve good results.

Emmanuel Sevor, a participant, said new skills learnt would enable them to convince people to access facilities and services of the programme.