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Health News of Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Source: GNA

No cholera cases in Achimota, 37 hospitals

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The Administrator at the Achimota Hospital, Accra, Mr Philip Afeti Korto said on Monday that the hospital is yet to receive any case of cholera.

He said last year the hospital recorded seven cases without fatalities.

Mr Korto in an interview with GNA in Accra revealed that malaria has been the main cause of the many admissions at the hospital during the first quarter of the year.

“The hospital recorded 3,430 cases of malaria, 3,037 were referred but 187 patients were confirmed to be positive,” he said.

During the first quarter of 2016, the hospital recorded 377 cases of diarrhoea compared to 638 cases during the same period last year.

He blamed the cases on the poor sanitation situation in the communities and urged the public to change their attitude to help reverse the situation.

“Ghanaians must desist from their bad attitude of throwing rubbish around and adopt the habit of cleaning their environment. We must not sit down and wait for government to come and clean our own surroundings,” he added.

Major Adams Pabi, the Public Relations Officer at the 37 Military Hospital, said the medical facility has no cases of cholera so far.

“The hospital has no records of cholera outbreak from last year to date,” he said, adding however that the medical facility has made provisions for cases.

“The hospital has made isolation rooms and drugs available if there should be any case of cholera.”

Major Pabi advised the public to fully participate in cleaning their environment as it is also one way of avoiding cholera and its related diseases.