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General News of Wednesday, 27 September 2017


No more chaos at Accra Passport Acquisition Centre - Emmanuel Enos

Director of Passport, Emmanuel Enos play videoDirector of Passport, Emmanuel Enos

The chaos which used to greet one during a visit to the passport acquisition centre in Accra, as well as its headquarters, is now a thing of the past.

A media tour of the centre on Wednesday revealed that aside applicants, no-one is allowed entry at the centre.

Also, the entrance which used to be choked with hawkers and middlemen popularly known as ‘Goro boys’ is now very free as they have all been moved from there.

Notices have been placed at vantage points to warn applicants to deal with only persons who are evidently staff by wearing ID cards and numbers.

According to Director of Passport, Emmanuel Enos, this is all part of efforts to make the acquisition of passports less stressful for all.

He said aside decongesting the place, the gaping potholes that used to be a source of worry to visitors had been fixed, a special waiting area had been provided for online applicants and also a toilet facility for visitors had been put up.

The Director said the introduction of the online application system has also helped with reducing the number of people who visit the centre daily.

Emmanuel Enos was however worried about the huge number of passports that are yet to be collected from the acquisition centres across the country even though people continue to complain that the passport acquisition process is frustrating.

He said, “It will surprise you to note that we do print passports and people do not even collect. There are a lot of uncollected passports… I embarked on a special exercise to make a complete list of these uncollected passports”.

He said when completed, the list will be published so the owners come for their passports.