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General News of Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Source: GNA

No winner at Suhum NPP Primary for the second time

Suhum (E/R), July 2, GNA - The Suhum Constituency branch of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), has once again failed to elect a parliamentary candidate as the two aspirants each tied with 51 votes each at the primaries held at Suhum on Wednesday.

The aspirants are Mr Fredrick Opare Ansah, incumbent Member of Parliament (MP) and Mr Bryan Acheampong, an Information Technologies expect.

Speaking to the press, Mr Yaw Gyekye Amoabeng, Eastern Regional Chairman of the Party, described the situation as unfortunate. He said a new date would be set for another round of primaries.

He denied any knowledge of allegations that Mr Opare Ansah had camped some 40 delegates at an unknown destination since last Saturday.

Mr Amoabeng cautioned that the regional secretariat would not hesitate to sanction any aspirant found to have camped delegates prior to the primaries.

He said a report of the Suhum situation would be sent to the national executive committee for a new date to be fixed for the next primaries.

Mr Amoabeng urged aspirants and their supporters to remain calm till a candidate is elected to represent the constituency.