Diaspora News of Thursday, 9 February 2006

Source: GNA

North American branch of CPP against MPs

Accra, Feb. 9, GNA - The North American branch of the Convention People's Party (CPP) on Thursday said it supported the disciplinary action initiated by the Central Committee of the Party against its three Members of Parliament

The group in an e-mailed statement to the Ghana News Agency in Accra said; "after healthy and lengthy deliberations, the question that was raised was, 'why has it taken this long to dismiss them from the party?' We agonised over the decision knowing that every person has something to offer.

"However if the cost to the Party of their memberships is greater than the benefit, then we must dispense with their memberships. We come to the conclusion that the cost of their memberships was insubordination, which could quickly spread like a cancer and as a Party we just could not afford that; just as we are about to take the reins of power in the country."

The statement signed by Mr Ato Sackey, a leading member of the branch, said: "With no regrets, no doubts and faith in our decision, we the CPP of North America, wholeheartedly and unreservedly support the actions of the Central Committee of the Party in initiating the process which would lead to their eventual dismissal from the Party. "We believe this will make us stronger and motivate the grassroots towards total victory in 2008. Yes! Victory shall be ours", the statement said.

The Central Committee of the Party passed a motion at a meeting in Kumasi to dismiss the three MPs after an exhaustive discussion of the track record of the conduct of the Parliamentarians. The Committee, however, said that in conformity with the rule of natural justice decided to refer the motion to the National Disciplinary Committee.

The Parliamentarians are: Mr Freddie Blay, Second Deputy Speaker and MP for Ellembele; Dr Paa Kwasi Nduom, MP for Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abirem and Minister of State in Charge of Public Sector Reforms, and Mr Kojo Armah, MP for Evalue-Gwira. The Central Committee said it deem it a duty to the public that it took serious view of the various and cumulative acts of indiscipline; disloyalty; contempt and the breaching of the provision of the Party's Constitution.

The United Kingdom branch of the Party has already supported the dismissal of the three MPs.

The North American branch explained that it delayed its response to the dismissal of the three MPs mainly to deliberate exhaustively on the pros and cons of the action.

"We have spent endless hours discussing and debating this decision of the Central Committee. CPP is a democratic Party in a democratic nation and as a Party and as individuals, we believe unreservedly in freedom of speech and the right to question authority and also as a Party and as individuals we believe totally in the rule of law, but not to the point that the law shall abridge the rights of individuals. "We also believe in freedom of association, but that any person or persons desiring to join an organisation has a duty to himself or herself and other members of the organisation to know and understand the rules governing membership of the organisation before becoming a member."

The CPP North American branch noted: "It is the duty of each and every member to accept and abide by the rules of the organisation regardless of personal opinion. The decision of the majority in any democratic organisation is binding upon all.

"Any member who feels unable to any longer abide by the rules and decisions of the majority or the governing body has the right to resign his or her membership without fear of retribution. What is not acceptable is for a disgruntled member to retain membership, use the good name and good offices of the organisation for their own selfish ends. Every member has the right to disagree with decisions of the Executive or the majority but in the interest of stability, harmony and respect, should do so within the rules of the organisation and within the organisation, not in the public forum."

According to the CPP North American branch such an action could only lead to chaos and bitterness and that was not acceptable in any democratic organisation.

The CPP North American branch explained that the offences of the three MPs "as far as we can remember go back to the year 2002. That was when against the decision of the Central Committee they not only publicly criticised the Party for contesting every parliamentary seat and the presidency, but also publicly campaigned for one of our competitor's Presidential candidate.

"The only reason we can fathom for their actions was selfish desires to retain their measly appointments within the ruling New Patriotic Party government.

"At every turn they have contradicted; and publicly criticised the Party Leaders. As the only MPs we had, they should have made a greater effort to attend Central Committee meetings and other important functions called by the Leadership, but they have always snubbed the Party and its Leaders".

The North American branch urged the Party Leadership and the entire membership of the Party to remain resolute and fight on for the elimination of all self-seekers from the Party. 9 Feb. 06