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Regional News of Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Source: GNA

Northern Regional House of Chiefs gets new president

The Northern Regional House of Chiefs on Tuesday elected and sworn into office Nayire Naa Bohugu Mahami Abdulai, Paramount chief of Mamprugu, as the new President of the House, in Tamale.

The Yagbonwura Tuntumbe Boresa Sulemana Jakpa II, Overlord of Gonja, was also confirmed as the new Vice President of the House.

Five other chiefs of the House, who were elected as members of the National House of Chiefs, were: Naa Alhaji Iddrisu Abu, Kumbungu Naa, Professor John Nabila, Wulugu Naba, Seidu Amankwa Gbedease II, Bolewura, Yamyia Tooka II, Yunyoo Rana and Shani Hamidu II, Sunson Na.

Mr. Sylvester Kanyi, Northern Regional Director of the Electoral Commission, who announced these, called on the chiefs to use their good offices to educate the people on the need for peaceful elections in December.

The Nayire Naa Abdulai advised the chiefs to campaign for peace in the forthcoming elections.

He called on traditional leaders and the district assemblies to collaborate and pool resources for the development of the people.

Mr. Moses Bukari Mabengba, Northern Regional Minister, in a speech read on his behalf, congratulated the chiefs and charged traditional rulers to apply the new chieftaincy Act of 2008 in resolving land and chieftaincy disputes.

He expressed worry about reports of indiscriminate sale of land to individuals and organizations in the region since it could negatively affect agriculture.

Mr. Mabengba said the Better Ghana Agenda of the government was on course and had stabilized the economy.

He said work on Eastern Corridor and Sawla-Fulfuso roads had started, 230 schools under trees have been replaced with classroom blocks and other projects were executed in the region since 2009.