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Regional News of Monday, 11 March 2013

Source: Abdul Karim Naatogmah

Northern regional police command denies fresh clashes at Kpemali

The Northern Regional Police Command has denied media reports that there were renewed clashes over the weekend between Konkombas and Bimobas at Kpemali, a farming community near Nakpanduri in the Northern Region.

Another dead body suspected to be a Konkomba man was found at the outskirts of the Nakpanduri Township which was attributed to fresh violence in the area. The cause of death of the unidentified deceased which has brought the death toll to four is yet to be established.

But the Northern Regional Police Command Public Relations Officer said it was difficult for the combatants to engage in any form of renewed violence in view of the heavy security presence in Nakpanduri Township and its environs.

ASP Ebenezer Tetteh said, “The police had information yesterday early in the morning that another body was found outskirts the Nakpanduri Township.”

He disclosed that initial examination conducted on the body indicated that the deceased died out of cutlass wounds.

ASP Ebenezer told Citi News the corpse was deposited at the Nalerigu Baptist Medical centre pending investigations.

In view of the heavy security presence in the area, he assured residents of Nakpanduri and its environs of maximum security.