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General News of Saturday, 10 May 2008

Source: GNA

Nyamekye residents cry to Ghana Water Company

Accra, May 10, GNA- Mr. Foster Gyimah-Danso, Chairman of Ablekuma North Sub. Metro Council in Accra has called on the Ghana Water Company to, as a matter of urgency ensure regular water supply to Nyamekye, a suburb in Accra and its environs.

He said for more than a year now, water supply to the area has been irregular and ceased flowing recently and expressed surprise that communities like Alafia, Odokor Official Town and North Darkuman all close to Nyamekye were having almost 24 hours' water supply. Mr Gyimah-Danso, a former assembly member of the Darkuman West Electoral Area, was speaking on the water situation in the area in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) at Nyamekye. He said the situation was affecting socio-economic lives of the people and cited that residents of the Mambo Spot and Parker Hotel area were buying water from neighbouring communities at high cost. Mr Gyimah-Danso expressed worry that women and children often crossed the Darkuman-Nyamekye road and the Mallam-Lapaz highway for water, exposing them, especially the children to the risk of being knocked down by vehicles

He said recently a small girl crossing the road in the area with water was knocked down by a vehicle. Mr Gyimah-Danso said the water problem was affecting the studies of school children as they go to school late and instead of learning in the evening they go to look for water.

He appealed to the Company to take charge of or supervise the laying of auxiliary pipe lines to homes and new settlements to avoid congestion of pipelines and illegal water connections. Some residents the GNA spoke to about the water situation said the inability of the Company to provide regular water to the area was improper because the water authorities did not explain the problem to them. They said even if the Company was facing technical problems, one year duration was enough time for the carrying out of repairs works to normalize the situation.