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Regional News of Sunday, 11 March 2012

Source: GNA

Nyinahin installs new queen

A 52-year old teacher has been installed as the queen of Nyinahin in the Atwima-Mponua District amidst splendid cultural performances and fanfare.

Nana Afua Amponsah is known in private life as Madam Comfort Abora and succeeds her grandmother who abdicated the stool, 16 years ago.

She pledged to work hard towards the protection and preservation of the positive aspects of the culture of the people.

She said she would do everything to ensure the formation of a “virgins’ club” to spearhead the campaign against early sex to bring down the incidence of teenage pregnancy.

Nana Amponsah also promised to make education development another priority.

The Nyinahinhene, Nana Amanpene Boateng Twum, counseled the queen to treat the people with respect and carry herself with dignity adding that by doing so she would continue to enjoy their support and loyalty.