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Politics of Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Source: GNA

Oda NDC Chairman calls for probe into rejection of nominee

Akyem Oda (E/R), May 13, GNA - The Akyem Oda Constituency of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) has called for investigations into last week's rejection of Ms Ophelia Koomson, Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) nominee for Birim Central.

Speaking at a press conference at Akyem Oda, Mr Anane Boateng, Constituency Chairman of the Party, also called on President John Atta Mills to withdraw government appointees to the Assembly, who, he alleged, had accepted money to ditch Ms Koomson. According to Mr Boateng, some three top members of the Party, paid not less than GH¢1,000 each to the assembly members to vote against the nominee, who he described as hardworking. He held that such payment could have been used to boost the Party's work in the Constituency, rather than using it to undermine the President's efforts to have 40 percent of appointments for women. He held that by their action, the government appointees had stabbed the President at the back, so there was no reason why they should continue to hold their positions.

Mr Boateng said some NDC supporters in the constituency had threatened to resign from the Party due to the activities of the three top men, who, he said, were trying to hijack the Party. He expressed his preparedness to appear before any probe to expose them. Ms Koomso n, a graduate teacher and the Constituency second vice-chairperson of the NDC, failed to obtain approval from the assembly when 24 out of the 46 assembly members voted against her nomination. She is currently the headmistress of the Akyem Oda Wesley Methodist Junior High School.