General News of Tuesday, 24 October 2017


Ofosu Ampofo blasts 'harsh' NCA

Director of Elections for NDC, Samuel Ofosu Ampofo Director of Elections for NDC, Samuel Ofosu Ampofo

Director of Elections of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Samuel Ofosu Ampofo has taken a swipe at the National Communications Authority (NCA) for using draconian approach against radio stations in the country.

Commenting on the fines and revocation of licenses of some media organizations by the NCA under the auspices of the Ministry of Communications, Mr. Ofosu Ampofo wondered why the NCA appears difficult to go to the negotiation tables with the affected media.

He asked the Authority to stop the "draconian" ways they have employed to deal with the radio stations.

According to him, the NCA is supposed to regulate the media industry but not to supposedly gang up against the stations they are regulating by being strict on them when they can offer a friendlier alternative.

He asked what will become of the NCA should managers of the various media organizations also decide to stop operating.

"Are they there to punish or to help regulate the industry? If all the radio stations’ managers say they have closed their stations and won’t work again, where will be the NCA? What will they be regulating?” he wondered.

Mr. Ofosu Ampofo stated emphatically on 'Kokrokoo' on Peace FM that the approach by the NCA is "unconstitutional", adding that "nobody can pay such huge sums" of fines imposed on the radio stations.

Also addressing the issue on 'Kokrokoo' was Hon. Henry Kwabena Kokofu, former Member of Parliament for Bantama.

To him, the NCA shouldn’t be lambasted left, right and center for sanctioning radio stations for various infractions but however called on the NCA to have a dialogue with the stations to help resolve the situation.
