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General News of Saturday, 16 August 2008

Source: GNA

Oguaa Traditional Council awards Bernasko

Cape Coast, Aug. 16, GNA - The Oguaa Traditional Council on Saturday honoured Col. Frank George Bernasko (rtd) former Central Regional

Commission of the then National Redemption Council (NRC) government, in services and zealous contributing that led to the development of Cape Coast and Ghana in general.

Col. Bernasko, 78 was a respected leader, imbued with a lot of enthusiasm, discipline and initiative in addressing issues in all sectors of the socio-economic advancement of Cape Coast in particular and the region in general.

He is also well-known for his dedication and zeal that brought a lot of changes in the education, agriculture and health sectors as well as the social lives of people in his area. The citation, going with the honour by the Traditional Council described him as a man of passion that helped to improve the lives of many people.

The citation enumerated some of his achievements to include, the turning of the Ghana Military Academy into a premier military institution when he was appointed, the Director of Studies. It said, when he became the Regional Commissioner in 1972, Col. Bernasko left an indelible mark among his kith and kin "by uplifting the region socially, economically and educationally",

It said he is also remembered for his agricultural initiative dubbed: "Operation Feed Yourself" which became a household expression in the region and was later accepted as a National Agricultural Policy, aimed at improving food production and ensuring food security, and this led to his elevation to the position of Commissioner for Agriculture.

The citation said his administration in the region also helped to inculcate the spirit of voluntarism in the youth while he also initiated a number of housing projects and office buildings including the OLA Low Cost Houses and the Ministries building, all in Cape Coast.

Osabarimba Kwesi Atta II, the Oguaamanhen commended Col. Bernasko for bringing discipline to the area and also his immense contribution to the development of Cape Coast and added that his dedicated services needed to be acknowledged and appreciated. For his part, Col. Bernasko dedicated the award to all those who contributed to his success and also towards the development of the area because without their support, it would not have been possible. He also urged Cape Coasters to shirk their grievances and unite to propel the development wheels of the area forward and appealed to all professionals from the area to contribute their quota to help the town progress.