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Health News of Thursday, 3 July 2014

Source: dr. kojo cobba essel

‘One Prescription’ Fits All

I assumed the above description applied only to certain concoctions being peddled about as miracle potions, until I had a rude awakening. I discovered that something that had been staring me in the face for years could do just that, and there was scientific evidence to support it.

Name: Mr. X Age: 58 years Date: Today Rx 1. Exercise 30 minutes a day, at least 5 days a week. 2. Eat a healthy meal modified for condition. Signed: Dr. K. Essel

There is no need to wait until we get one of the above prescriptions; let’s jump start our health quest. It is not surprising that with our ever-increasing sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits, we have had to coin a phrase for the group of diseases that we ‘buy’ with our newly acquired habits – ‘lifestyle’ diseases. This group of diseases includes hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes, high blood cholesterol, obesity, mild depression, back pain, osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. Do not be deceived - no matter the superiority of the medicine your physician puts you on, you will NEVER optimize your management, if you do not add exercising and eating the appropriate meals. There are instances when you may not even need medication to control certain lifestyle diseases. 1. High Blood Pressure This can only be diagnosed by taking blood pressure readings. It may be causing a lot of harm, but you may feel absolutely nothing. That is why it’s called the ‘silent killer’. Do not wait for symptoms or complications – get your blood pressure checked TODAY. Management of High Blood Pressure may include: o Exercising o DASH (dietary approaches to stop hypertension) diet o Medication.

2. Diabetes Diabetes is sometimes described as ‘hunger in the midst of plenty’. At least four types of Diabetes have been described. We will concern ourselves with Type II Diabetes. This runs in families and is also common in sedentary, obese and elderly people. It may present in many ways, including fatigue and rapidly worsening eyesight. The familiar triad of drinking a lot of water, increasing appetite and increased urination may also be present.

Management of Diabetes may include: • Exercising • Appropriate eating plan • Medication. 3. Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is often referred to as ‘the silent thief’. It is a silent progressive disease that leads to a decrease in bone mass, and consequently, loss of structural strength. A fall could lead to an unexpected fracture, and could result in a total life-changing experience. Management may include: • Exercising • Appropriate eating plan (this should be started several years before we attain the high-risk age) • Medication. This disease is a classic example of ‘prevention is better than cure’. Do not wait till it strikes.

The list of lifestyle diseases goes on and on, and the management, dear Reader, remains the same. Exercising and eating appropriately are HIGH PRIORITY activities. So ‘JUST DO IT’ (a borrowed phrase from NIKE). AS ALWAYS LAUGH OFTEN, WALK AND PRAY EVERYDAY AND REMEMBER IT’S A PRICELESS GIFT TO KNOW YOUR NUMBERS (blood sugar, blood pressure, blood cholesterol, BMI)

Dr. Kojo Cobba Essel Moms’ Health Club (

*Dr Essel is a medical doctor and is ISSA certified in exercise therapy and fitness nutrition. Thought for the week – “We can win the battle against Cervical Cancer by aggressively screening ladies and ensuring that those who qualify get the appropriate vaccine. Remember you have to continue screening even when you take the vaccine.”