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Regional News of Friday, 20 January 2017


One shot, three missing in robbery attack in Bole

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Gunmen believed to be armed robbers attacked and injured illegal mining operators at Gbulimpe in the Bole -Bamboi district Friday dawn, a victim of the attack told Ultimate news.

According to the victim, Tianye Samuel, who is currently at the Bole hospital, three other persons have gone missing after the robbers opened fire on them.
He said he was shot five times in the leg whiles fleeing from the robbers who had laid ambush, but does not know the fate of his friends.

“We went to the bush with our machines to discover gold with three of my friends, on our way home, we met these armed robbers who started shooting at us, we started running and they shot my leg five times but my friends ran away,’ he narrated. to Ultimate News’ Eliasu Tanko.

Incidents of armed robbery attacks on local miners in the area and road users is on alarming increase forcing residents to stockpile arms for defence, spokesman for Gonjaland Youth Association said.

Police in the area have been accused of conspiracy for failing severally to quell the attack or arrest the perpetrators, a charge they denied.

The police responding to the allegation also blamed insufficient vehicles for their inability to head off the armed robbers.

Several people have been robbed and killed by the robbers who have consistently outsmarted the police.