Politics of Monday, 6 December 2004

Source: IC4

Only The CPP Can Now Stop NPP

With the campaign all but over, Ghana is set for the elections on tuesday 7th December, and it is worth recounting the messages coming across in this election.

That it is not about glossy adverts or expensive electronic billboards, but about who can meet the basic needs and aspirations of the people of Ghana.

That Children who complete JSS/SSS education today have no jobs to go to.

That the majority of people do not have a square meal a day.

That people cannot afford to pay for a cure when they fall ill.

That new housing today is beyond the reach of the majority.

That school fees have increased, many cannot afford it and drop-out rates are up

That poverty levels have increased in the last 4 years of the NPP government.

That the scent of corruption and disappointment in the NPP government is there for all to see.

Headlines On The Parties

The CPP:

? The CPP built Ghana

? Believes that too many lives have been sacrificed , wasted and left behind on the altar of free marketeering and liberalisation.

? That the human asset is the most important that any country has and thus every Ghanaian is important , and no one must be sacrificed or left behind again.

? All CPP policies will be people centred, and will be reflected in job creation , free education and free medical care.

? A track record on development second to none.


? Offering the same failed free market policies of the NDC which a Financial Times Report has concluded has failed Ghana and Africa.

? Corrupt, with Its? Zero Tolerance ? Policy on corruption now dead ? remember Bambagate and CNT Loan from a Hairdresser in London..

? They are Elitist, tribalistic and nepotistic.

? A track record of failed promises.


? Had 20 years at curing Ghana?s ills and failed , all recognise their policies to have failed Ghana, apart from the NPP.

? Corrupt , quarrelsome , abusive and obsessed with NPP to the detriment of the national interest.

? Record of human rights abuse.

The choice for Ghana is clear , think wisely , think clearly, don?t waste your vote on NDC, don?t be disappointed in NPP again, Vote CPP.