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Politics of Thursday, 23 November 2023


Our gods have abandoned us due to bad roads – Goasomanhene discloses message to Akufo-Addo

Paramount Chief of Goaso Traditional Area, Nana Kwasi Bosompra play videoParamount Chief of Goaso Traditional Area, Nana Kwasi Bosompra

The Paramount Chief of Goaso Traditional Area, Nana Kwasi Bosompra, expressed sorrow and shed tears as he addressed the inadequate state of roads in the Ahafo Region.

Part of his concerns was that the primary road connecting Mim to the main township remained abandoned despite having been given on contract. The chief, visibly emotional, lamented the adverse impact of the dusty road on his health, and on the state of palace deities.
"The last time Nana Addo came here, I told him that Nana due to dust, all our gods have deserted us. Now when I talk you can hear the impact of how it has affected my health. It is dust that has left me with head problems.
What is our crime? Ahafo Region, what have we done wrong?"

Wiping away tears, the traditional leader recounted that the road in front of the palace was initially awarded to Kofi Job by the erstwhile National Democratic Congress government, who began mobilizing equipment to the site. However, all road contracts in the region were halted immediately after the Nana Akufo-Addo government assumed office in 2017.

The chief voiced his concerns during a visit by the NDC’s flagbearer for the 2024 presidential election, former President John Dramani Mahama's "Building Ghana Tour" to the palace as part of their tour of the Ahafo Region. Nana Kwasi Bosompra revealed that civil works on the Bediako to Kasapii road, which awaited asphalt overlay, were halted by the NPP administration after taking over power. The contractor responsible for the Gambia Number One to Dormaa road was also adversely affected.

"After many years of auditing, they were made to resume work. But all the work they have gone down the drain," lamented Nana Kwasi Bosompra.

Despite the Ahafo Region consistently voting for the New Patriotic Party, the Goasomanhene asserted that the party has yet to address the development needs of the area. Only two out of the six parliamentary seats in the Region are won by the NDC.

Watch video of Nana Bosompra's statement below:


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