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General News of Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Source: New Crusading Guide

P.V. Obeng fights for controversial 'Ogbojo House'

Paul Victor Obeng, Chairman of the National Development Planning Commission (NDPC), is in the High Court of Justice, Tema (Lands Division) together with Paros Limited, litigating with Alberto Norreti, the son of his late bossom friend, Renato Noce over the deceased’s house situated at Ogbojo in Accra.

According to a statement of claim stamped on 20th September, 2011 and posted on the gates of the house in contention on 12th April, 2012, “Plaintiff is a limited liability company duly incorporated under the laws of Ghana and defendant is the son of Renato Noce (deceased) and resident in Ghana”.

According to the statement of claim, on 16th February, 1993, a 50-year lease agreement was reached between one Mary Ann Obeng Dufie and Roberto Noce. “At all material times during this said transaction, the said Mary Ann Obeng was represented by Paul Victor Obeng and Roberto Noce was represented by his father, Renato Noce, now deceased”, it stated further.

After the acquisition of the land in dispute, according to the statement of claim, the late Renato Noce constructed “4 dwelling houses and in particular a 4 bedroom with an out-house”.

“Plaintiff says its Chairman, the said Paul Victor Obeng, at all material times was a close confidante and friend of Renato Noce and the latter confided in him most of his delicate problems including his state of health during his lifetime”, it stated.

It continued that sometime in 2006, the late Renato informed his bossom friend, P.V. Obeng of his desire to return to his native Italy due to his failing health and therefore with the consent of his son, Roberto Noce, he had decided to sell the 4 houses.

Roberto Noce who according to the statement of claim, had decided not to live in Ghana, “then appointed an agent by name Nicholas to oversee the sale of the said houses.”

It was then that, Paros Limited, acting through its Chairman, Mr. P.V Obeng expressed interest in purchasing one of the houses and as a result acquired same from Renato Noce.

“The said transaction was evidenced in writing by a deed of assignment dated the 15th of March, 2006 and executed by both plaintiff and Roberto Noce acting through Renato Noce and has subsequently been processed at the Lands Commission”.

Not long after the said transaction, P.V. Obeng’s long time friend, Renato Noce, passed away.

The defendant (Alberto Noretti, son of Renato Noce and brother of Roberto Noce) according to the statement “who was completely missing in the affairs of his late father, suddenly on hearing that his said father had died, has started laying adverse claims to the land in dispute with the 4 bedroom and out house situate thereon and in particular has forcefully moved into occupation of same claiming that the said house forms part of his late father’s estate and has even gone ahead to surreptitiously procure a letter of administration to administer the estate of his late father and has erroneously included the said house in dispute as part of his father’s estate”, the statement added.