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Health News of Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Source: GNA

PPR dominates diseases among ruminants in Asante-Akim South

Juaso (Ash), Dec 12, GNA - Pest des Petis Ruminants (PPR), a common disease noted for dehydrating ruminants upon infection, has for two consecutive years emerged the topmost disease among ruminants in the Asante-Akim South District killing hundreds of animals. The disease, which is characterized by nasal and ocular discharges, pneumonia and diarrhoea, is said to be highly infectious among ruminants but could be easily prevented if precautionary measures are adhered to.

Mr Roland Atenang, District Veterinary Officer, told the GNA in an interview that the upsurge in the disease in the district was due to the unwillingness of farmers to vaccinate their animals against the disease.

He said though susceptible animals to the disease had declined from 3,200 in 2006 to 2,700 this year, the situation called for concerted efforts between his outfit and the public to bring the prevalence rate to its minimum.

Mr Atenang said his outfit had embarked on a district-wide vaccination exercise but the public response posed a major challenge to the exercise and called for a collaborative effort between the two parties to help eradicate the disease.