General News of Friday, 14 April 2006

Source: GNA

Pains and suffering are realities of Christianity

Ho, April 14, GNA - Jesus Christ's crucifixion should remain a constant reminder that trials, pains and sufferings are necessary parts of Christian life that could not be wished away, a Pastor of the Ho-Bankoe Elorm E.P. Church said on Friday.

"We can never drive suffering away from our lives", Rev Oscar Kwami Pida said in a sermon at Ho to mark Good Friday.

He said every Christian's ability to endure the challenges of life constitutes the quality of his or her Christian discipleship and readiness for the ultimate crown. The Sermon was under the theme: " The cross the symbol of Christ's triumph".

Rev. Pida reminded Christians to be wary of those who in the name of Christianity sought to suggest that Christianity was at variance with pain, suffering and trials.

"That is false teaching -- No cross no crown, suffering is the cradle of victory. We can never drive suffering away from our lives," he restated.

Rev Pida said the message of the cross as a symbol of suffering and triumph is a veritable truth, which is as true in secular life as in Christian life.

The Christian Youth Builders (CYB) of the Church enacted events leading to the trail of Jesus Christ and his crucifixion to a bemused congregation. Intercessory prayers were said for the country.