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Regional News of Monday, 12 August 2024

Source: Michael Oberteye, Contributor

Paramount chief of Anum suspends Nana Kwasi Anyane as Adontenhene

Nana Kwasi Anyane II Nana Kwasi Anyane II

The Paramount Chief of the Anum Traditional Area of the Eastern Region has announced the suspension of the Adontenhene of the area with immediate effect.

Akusiaku-Brempong Kumi Sasraku VIII on Monday, August 7, 2024, and before his divisional chiefs, queen mothers, Asafoatse, and the people of Anum, said the suspension of Nana Kwasi Anyane II had become necessary following the latter’s continued treachery against the chiefs and people of Anum.

The decision means Nana Kwasi Anyane II can no longer hold himself as the Adontenhene of Anum until, according to the Anum Traditional Council, he shows remorse for his actions and offers a proper apology to the traditional authorities.

The paramount chief explained that his actions were necessitated by the Adontenhene’s unacceptable acts against Anuman, influenced by his parochial interests.

“One person’s [Nana Kwasi Anyane] selfish interest is leading him to destroy Anum... We’re ready to confront him,” said the chief, who called out the Abusuapanyin, queen mother, and elders of the Adontehene for not cautioning him against his actions.

To emphasize his decision, the chief presented a sheep and bottles of schnapps, with the sheep being slaughtered to signify the suspension.

“Due to the actions of Nana Kwasi Anyane from the day of my enstoolment to the last Akwasidae and his actions against some of the divisional chiefs and the entire Anum State, we can no longer join hands with him to develop this community... Anytime Anuman is mentioned, Nana Kwasi Anyane’s name should not be included,” Akusiako Kumi Sasraku announced.

Warning against acts of indiscipline against the Anum State, Akusiako kumi Sasraku threatened to crack the whip on persons bent on destroying the traditional area.

He cautioned, “If I hear of any acts of unlawful behavior that are at variance with our customs and traditions, I’ll take the necessary action.”

A statement read by Asafoatse Okumani Gyau, Asafoatse of the Anum Traditional Area, highlighted instances of alleged improprieties by the Adontenhene, including “instigating war and civil unrest in the Anum State,” saying his actions amounted to disregard for laid-down traditional values.

“It has come to light that Nana Kwasi Anyane, the Adontenhene of Anum Traditional Area, is instigating war and civil unrest in Anum State,” read the Asafoatse.

He accused Nana Kwasi Anyane II and his close associates, including his queenmother and Abusuapanyin, of apportioning state properties to themselves.

“Nana Kwasi Anyane monopolized all state properties, including state lands being Kwasi Anyane stool land, and documented this state land signed by himself, his Abusuapanyin, his Queen Mother, and Nana Satram,” the Asafoatse disclosed.

Accusing the Adontenhene of exhibiting bad faith in the installation of Akusiaku-Brempong Kumi Sasraku VIII as the new Omanhene of the traditional area, Asafoatse Okumani Gyau detailed what he said was a valid and appropriate installation process and described Nana Kwasi Anyane’s installation of a parallel chief as being borne out of greed.

“The Abusuapanyin of the Bruku Royal House, as per customary demands, introduced a royal to the Queen Mother as a would-be Omanhene of the Anum State. The Queenmother also, as per customary demands, introduced the would-be candidate to the divisional chiefs, including Nana Kwasi Anyane. This was finally endorsed by the kingmaker and the stool father, Nana Kolihue XI; there was no opposition whatsoever,” he said.

“Kwasi Anyane, who has been engulfed with greed, nicodemously installed another chief by the name of Nana Hiewo on no other stool but an armchair around 10 pm,” he added.

Challenging the authority of the Adontenhene to install a chief, he accused Nana Anyane of not only badmouthing the Anum State to the world but also engaging in acts of instigation.

Alleged theft of the Black Stool:

Asafoatse Okumani Gyau also dismissed allegations of the involvement of some chiefs in the alleged stealing of the Black Stool, other royal regalia, and two kente cloths.

According to him, the stool, being the property of Nana Kolihue, was intact and occupied by the rightful occupant.

“The charge that is being leveled against some chiefs of stealing the Black Stool is unfounded,” he stated.

“The said stool belongs to no other person than Nana Kolihue, who owns the Paramountcy and the Kingmaker as well as the Stool Father of the Brukus Stool, and that is the Paramountcy. The stool is intact and being occupied by the gazetted Omanhene,” he announced.

Responding to the alleged stealing of the stool, Obaatanpa Nana Ama Korantema I, Queen Mother of the Anum Traditional Area, emphasized that the stool was in her position and not stolen as alleged.

She absolved the individuals accused of stealing the stool of any wrongdoing and proclaimed them innocent.

“The stool isn’t missing. The stool belongs to the Queen Mother. They [those accused of stealing the stool] are innocent. it is being occupied by the legitimate chief. Nana Owusu Ntow and others accused of stealing the stool are all innocent,” she said.

Meanwhile, Nana Kwasi Anyane II, when contacted, declined to comment on the issue, citing advice from his lawyers, and added that he would respond at the appropriate time.

Meanwhile, GhanaWeb is set to premiere a documentary on playwright Uncle Ebo Whyte on Monday, August 19, 2024. Watch the trailer below: