General News of Wednesday, 19 May 1999

Source: null

Parliament Business

Accra (Greater Accra) 19 May ?99

The ministers of the Interior and Lands and Forestry are expected to answer parliamentary questions on Tuesday while a 9.65 billion-cedi loan agreement between Ghana and the Overseas Economic Co-operation Fund of Japan to co-finance the rehabilitation of the Achimota-Anyinam road will be laid.

Dr. Kwabena Adjei, Leader of the House, announced this in a business statement for the first week ending May 21.

Papers to be laid before the House include the Ratification of the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and Radioactive Waste Management, the Copenhagen Amendment to the Montreal Protocol by the Government of Ghana and the Environmental Assessment Regulation 1999 LI 1652.

On Wednesday, May 19, a loan agreement of 20.4 million dollars between Ghana and the African Development Bank for the development of Small-scale Irrigation Project will be laid before the House.

Another loan agreement of 4.10 million dollars between Ghana and the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA) for the rehabilitation of the Bolgatanga Regional Hospital Project will also be put before House.

The minister of Roads and Transport will answer parliamentary questions while members will make statements.

The House is expected to adopt a report of its finance committee on a Development Credit Agreement for 9.3 million dollars between Ghana and International Development Association of the World Bank on Thursday, May 20.

Parliament is also expected to approve an 8.7 million-dollar Global Environment Facility Fund grant agreement between Ghana and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development for implementation of the National Resource Management Project phase one.

A consequential resolution on the agreement will then be moved.

The minister of Finance will answer questions. There will be statements on the same day.

On Friday, May 21, the Minister of Mines and Energy will answer questions while the Speaker may allow statements from members.

During the week, there will be committee sittings.