General News of Tuesday, 13 April 2004

Source: --

Parliament Resumes Sitting

Parliament reconvenes on Tuesday, April 13, after a four-week break, to conclude the agenda of the first meeting of the fourth session.

The reconvening will enable members to discharge the responsibility imposed on them by provisions of the Constitution in relation to the state of the affairs in the Tamale municipality and in the Yendi District.

The House adjourned on March 12, 2004 to enable members to participate in the just-ended voters? registration exercise. Proceedings on that day ended abruptly due to power fluctuations which rendered the microphones and the air-conditioners in the chamber ineffective.

Before adjoining, the House appointed an 11-mmeber committee, chaired by the NPP member of Nsuta Kwaman, Mr. Kwame Osei Prempeh to investigate the administration, financial management, procurement, technical operation and transaction agreements of the Volta River Authority (VRA).

The committee will also investigate any related or consequential issues affecting the efficient administration and operations of the VRA from January 1, 1982 to December 2003. The House also passed the University of Education Winneba, Bill to upgrade the status of the University College of Education, Winneba, into a full autonomous university that can award its own degrees of diplomas. Other bills passed included the Appropriation Bill to authorize government?s expenditure for the 2004 fiscal year, the Customs and Excise (Duties and other Taxes) (Amendment) Bill to amend the customs and excise (duties and other taxies) act 1996, Act 512 to remove import VAT and import duty on inputs for the production of fishing nets and fishing ropes and also remove import taxes on musical recording instruments.

A number of financial agreements between the government and international organizations were also ratified.