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General News of Wednesday, 24 February 2016


Parliament Select Committee on Education visits Zenith University College

Members of the Parliamentary Select Committee ariving at the school Members of the Parliamentary Select Committee ariving at the school

The Parliamentary Select Committee on Education, on its familiarization tour of tetiary institutions in the country, to acquiant themselves with locations of these institutions, paid a visit to the Zenith University College.

The committee was led by Hon. Matthias Pozziah, who is the head of the committee. He was accompanied by Prof. Dominic Fobih, who is a ranking member of the committee and the other honourable members of the committee.

The paliamentarians were received by the management of the Zenith University College led by the Rector, Takyi Asiedu.

Mr. Takyi Asiedu welcomed members of the committee and introduced his team to the MPs.

The committee wanted to know some of the challenges the institution is bedeviled with as well as suggetsions, so the committeee could deliberate on during their meetings.

Hon. Pozziah explained that one of the main mandates of the committee is to act as an 'Advisor' to the various universities, schools, institutions,etc under the Education Ministry.

The Rector of the school gave a brief history of the school as well as the schools achievements.

Members of the committee were sent round the school to familairize with the various departments and staff of the school.