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General News of Thursday, 7 January 1999

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Parliament and Accra Courts to be computerised

Accra, (Greater Accra) 7 Jan. '99,

Parliament and courts in Accra are to be computerised next month under a one million-dollar pilot project to improve their data storage capacity and increase their efficiency. "It will basically involve an internet system and record keeping gadgets that will improve information storage and circulation from the Supreme Court to Community tribunals and the entire Parliament system", Dr Appiah Koranteng, National Co-ordinator of the National Institutional Renewal Programme (NIRP) said in Accra yesterday. Dr Koranteng said the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) sponsored project will be extended to the regional and district levels to ensure speedy trials " In February this year, all gadgets will be ready for installation and I believe within a short time, courts in Accra will have very efficient data system while Parliamentarians will only have to push a button to get access to any available information''. Dr. Koranteng said the aim of the package is to install information systems in all regional capitals within the next five years to enable constituents to communicate with their Parliamentarians on issues without travelling to meet them in Accra. " At least people should have the means to air their good intentions. This will be a positive step towards good governance.'' Other independent institutions such as the National Media Commission and the National Commission on Civic Education will soon have their share of the package. According to an analysis by NIRP, if these areas ''are put off raw paper work'', the institutions will be saving two thirds of their budgets on information processing. The saved money could be used to keep the system going. NIRP co-ordinates several performance improvement programmes to make the work of institutions transparent and result-oriented. GRi