General News of Friday, 27 October 2006

Source: GNA

Parliament reconvenes on Tuesday

Accra, Oct. 27, GNA - Parliament will reconvene next Tuesday for the Third Meeting of the year with a number of bills, including the Anti-Terrorism and Transfer of Convicted Persons Bill, lined up for passage.

The Polytechnic, Domestic Violence, Data Processing and Foreign Exchange Bills are other bills to engage the attention of the House, which is expected to sit for about seven to eight weeks. Various papers, including the Extradition Treaty between the United States and Ghana and the Revised African Convention on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, would also be laid before the House for consideration.

Parliamentary committees would also present various reports on matters referred to them by the House.

The Privileges Committee is yet to present its report on the veiled threat of contempt of court on the Speaker brought by the solicitors of Mr Edward Doe Adjaho, Deputy Minority Leader.

The Annual Report on the Presidential Office for 2005, Report of the Serious Fraud Office for 2004, Report of the Auditor-General on the Public Account of Ghana (Consolidated Fund) for 2004, are among reports to be presented by various committees to Parliament.

The 2007 Budget is also expected to be presented to the house during this sitting while ministers of state would be in parliament to answer questions about their ministries.

The member-elect for Offinso South, Dr Owusu Achaw Duah, who won last Tuesday's by-election would be sworn in. 27 Oct. 06